First thing first. . I like that quote :)
Have you ever heard of mindmap before ?
yes or no, i don't really care 'coz i just want to share..
Before you ask how can you to be creative ? how can you create something innovative ? You can start with mindmap.
Mindmap is often used to generate ideas from our brain onto a scarp of paper, basically that's what called by mindmapping. By doing so, we generate our ideas in our brains and turn it into writing object ( we write it down ) and that's proven to be efficient to make unthinkable keywords, yet innovative !
How to do mindmapping then ?
Take a pen and an A4 paper (you can try bigger one later on). Start thinking of your keyword which you want to break-it-down, e.g : "Your Name". Mindmap always start with a simple keyword in the middle of your page and then you need to elaborate (stereotyping) that keywords untill it has branches, yes a lot of branches, noun or adjective.
To make it simple, stereotype is our way of linking "something" with "something else", e.g :
A burglar. He watched his target's house for couple days. This burglar was thinking to take something valuable inside, and he started to think, how can he enter the house ? It can be from windows, picking the door's lock, from the rooftop, etc. And how if someone in the house see him ? he could kidnapped him/her for money, he could smack them, etc.
Now that IS what you call by "STEREOTYPING", it refers to the process of thinking, the way he linked from one keyword o another keywords, and so on..
Mindmap is done by doing stereotype to your existing keywords. Now back to your job. You have your own name on the middle of an A4 paper, do stereotyping from your name, e.g : your age, your address, your wife/husband, your hobby, your car, it can be anything that related to you for the very first place. After that you need to elaborate those keywords and keep doing so untill you have a lot of branches, a lot of keywords. Even our brain, it stores a lot of infos and if you write it down, even this mother earth isn't enough to write on. That is us, human ! Yay !
here are some samples of mindmap :
Secondly, if you now know how to do mindmapping, how do you apply it to your design, to your needs ?
Well, it's simple, since you have mindmap a keyword and elaborate it into thousands, you need to look WHAT unique keywords you have and you can take a note on those unique keywords you find, and from there, it's up to you on how to make use of it, can be switched, can be re-arrange, etc untill you find something usefull and unthinkable from there !!
P.S : - If you have done with filling up an A4 paper without any single space, you can try a bigger size paper :) - Mindmapping is placed in pre-production stage, where you generate ideas, write a story, etc Have a try !!
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